J played us a new track that he threw together Thursday night. We like it a lot. While we were talking about it J suggested that the collective do a concept album about television. H and M weren't all that hot on the idea until it was decided that:
A) It would be an EP rather than a whole album (or CD if you'd rather get anal about it).
B) H and M can do whatever they like just so long as it is related to television in some form or another and they don't have to rush or sweat to get it done.
C) J, who did the TV-esque intro track on the first EP, should lay off the television pieces for awhile.
Ah, democracy! You have to love it!
Here's J's track for your listening pleasure. Consider it a preview of an upcoming EP. Which, I guess, it is.
The track is as follows:
01 - Turning On - 3:51
The cover is included.
320 Kbps - 8.05 MB Zip file - No password
Download It Here
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