(left to right: M, J and H)
1) What does StashCasket mean?
Nothing. We just liked the sound of that made up word.
2) What are you trying to do?
Just make sounds that we enjoy. Although it's pretty obvious that we're ripping off early Laurie Anderson and Negativland more than anything, our actual roots lie in a serious hive mind session that happened to us one night while listening to an old Beatles cut called Revolution 9. Ever heard it? If you never have you are way past due. Give it a spin. In the dark. With headphones. While on your back. Smoke 'em if you've got 'em. You just might thank us.
3) Do you really think that what you do is music?
Music is in the ear of the beholder. To be honest, we consider what we do to be non-music (if we may be so bold). We don't really know how to play anything very well. We just groove with the moment. We like what we do. You don't have to.
4) Why don't you dudes have a MySpace page?
We've heard from a pretty reliable source that MySpace is run by three eyed post post modern soul sucking Nazi zombies from Neptune who are bent on world domination and we really don't want to be a part of something that negative.
5) You suck!
M wanted to reply to this one. Take it away, man.
"Thank you, Pook.
First off I'd like to point out that "You suck!" isn't a question. It's a statement or maybe even a declaration, seeing as to how it has an exclamation point at the end of it. Proof once again that most people on line don't read very well and how badly they can be vexed by a simple sentence. I trust college was a lot of fun for you.
Secondly, I find it odd that you would say such a thing as I was telling your mom how hard she should suck just last night. Quite the cowinkydink, ain't it?
That reminds me! I should send her some flowers and a nice box of candy as a way of thanking her for a job well done. The key word being job of course.
Bye bye and buy bonds."
If you have any other questions feel free to ask.